Wednesday, May 2, 2012

 College football is a joy to many

College football is one of the greatest American pass time known to man. It's recognized by it's people as it's national pass time and is followed by millions of fans every year. There are four staple bowls that endorse the sport, that everyone knows. The Nokia Sugar Bowl, the AT&T Rose Bowl, the FedEX Orange Bowl and the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. These bowls are the epitome of how large the sport has come to be today, and now there is a site where fans of the sport can come together and connect with one another online. At College Football Chat People from around the world can join and cheer on their favorite collegiate team, while meeting new and interesting people. Whether your favorite team belongs to the 1-A division or the 1-AA division, there is a fan cheering for every team.

College Football Chat is designed to hit a specific target market of college football fans, and it does so very well, as it is a well populated site with women and men from all around. The site offers a venue for its users to communicate through means of posting videos, threads and messages onto existing members profiles. The great thing about the site is that is serves more than one purpose. One on hand it serves as backdrop for sharing views over which team is the topic of choice, or on the other hand, a search to find like minded individuals for chatting about more than college football. College football can be something to start from for some singles that are here to find someone who they share a common interest with and something they can do together. The options that College Football Chatroom offers vary quite a bit and it's nice to many different options of communication available.

Next, are the testimonies. Testimonies are telling of how successful a website is. After a brief overview, the many I read were overall positive. The reason I believe is that these people come here to unite over a common bond. The bond being college football of course. But that's is just that brought them here, and what I think makes this site great, is that people grow from the bonds they make here and progress beyond football with another. It seems that singles here can have a really great time with both football and making new relationship with each other.

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