Monday, May 7, 2012

I Finally Found Someone Who Knows to Appreciate me!

When I remember my life as it was a couple of years ago, all I can think of is endless emptiness with no one to share my dreams and fears with. I wasn’t the only one guilty of my loneliness, although the major part of the guilt was mine. I got divorced, my kids grew and went to college, and I just didn’t know what to do. In these situation is most visible the fact that we can simply program ourselves to live our lives in just one way.

I can’t call my previous life monotonous because I am one of those women who can find joy in all types of everyday situations. I wanted to take my kids to the right path, and thank God, I made it. But at one point my marriage started to decompose, and when I realized it, it was already too late to do anything. My husband applied for divorce due to irreconcilable differences and I couldn’t not to wonder how he needed 20 years of marriage to figure it out. By the time I found out he had an affair while we still were married, the divorce was already completed, and I tried to move on.

I still remember the day, it was 22nd of September when I first met my second husband at military chat Canada. I couldn’t believe how compatible we were in our way of thinking, and although I am experienced and mature woman, I couldn’t help being nervous when we agreed to meet in person. There were butterflies in my stomach, I admit it!

Who would have thought that I could meet such a wonderful person in military chatroom? I finally have someone who is ready to listen to all my needs, fears and hopes and who is ready to do anything for me. This is not just an empty statement, I’m happier than ever, and, more importantly, kids think he is great too, so I also have their support. At first, they thought it wasn’t usual for me to meet men at military chat, but later, when they met him, they realized how fine, imposing and well educated man he is. I don’t know, there is something about men who served at the army that I found particularly attractive, maybe their devotion to homeland. The most important thing is that I’m happy right now, and that I tend to keep it that way.

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